Workshops & Special Issues > Special issues
The Smart World Congress features several special issues of scientific journals devoted to extended versions of selected papers of the associated IEEE conferences, workshops and events. Some special issues appear below:
- New paradigms in Cyber-Physical social sensing (Sensors, MDPI)
- Big data fusion in Internet of Things (The Information Fusion Journal, Elsevier)
- Pervasive Social Networking (Journal of Network and Computer applications, Elsevier)
- Optimization in Distributed Information Systems (Journal of Computational Science, Elsevier)
- Green Communications and Networking for 5G (IEEE Access, IEEE)
- Scientific Programming towards a Smart World (Scientific Programming, Hindawi)
- Advances in Human-like Intelligence towards Next-Generation Web (Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier)
- Emerging Trends, Issues, and Challenges in Communications and Computing Techniques towards Future Smart Cities (Journal of Computer Networks and Communication, Hindawi)
- Cyber-Physical Social Systems: Integrating Human into Computing (Special Issue in IEEE Transactions on Emerging topics in Computing, IEEE)
- Big Data Applications in Cyber Security and Threat Intelligence (IEEE Transactions on Big Data)
